The movie

Belle De Jour (4K Restoration)

In commemoration of the 125th anniversary of the birth of legendary surrealist filmmaker Luis Buñuel, Cinecitta proudly presents two of his most influential films.

Length: 101 min
Country: Frankrijk, Italië
Language spoken: Frans, Spaans
Language subtitles: Nederlands
Cast: Catherine Deneuve, Jean Sorel, Michel Piccoli, Geneviève Page, Pierre Clémenti
Director: Luis Buñuel
Release date: 2025-02-06


Buñuel's films are as relevant as ever, exploring themes such as power, class, religion, and the absurdity of human existence. From the anarchistic rebellion against bourgeois conventions in The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie to the exploration of forbidden desires in Belle de Jour, Buñuel's films challenge societal norms and reveal uncomfortable truths about the human condition. Luis Buñuel's classic Belle de Jour is a surreal and erotic daydream that examines desire, fetishism, and social norms. The story follows Séverine Serizy (a daring performance by Catherine Deneuve), a Parisian housewife whose porcelain perfection hides a fractured interior. Séverine secretly spends her afternoons at a brothel, indulging in her sexual desires. Buñuel blends fantasy and reality in this burst of cinematic transgression, addressing the desires of both the characters and the audience. The film offers a subtly absurdist critique of the social mores and class divisions of the 1960s. Buñuel's masterful use of symbolism and surreal imagery makes Belle de Jour both a provocative and timeless exploration of the human psyche and one of his greatest hits.