The movie
Expat Cinema: Her
Thé film evening for internationals in Tilburg. Organized by Cinecitta and International Center. This edition we're bringing the film Her (2013) back to the big screen, preceded by a lecture from Nick Apeldoorn (researcher at Mindlabs/ Breda University
Time & Location
8:00 PM - Lecture from Nick Apeldoorn
9:00 PM - Film Her
About the film
This edition we're bringing the film Her (2013) back to the big screen! The film is directed and produced by Spike Jonze. The production won more than 85 awards, including an Oscar and Golden Globe for Best Original Screenplay. The film was also nominated for four other Oscars, including Best Picture.
It's been 10 years since the release, and we're approaching the year in which the film takes place: the year 2025. The single Theodore Twombly (Joaquin Phoenix) works for a company that writes personal letters for customers. Meanwhile, he tries to get over the breakup with his wife Catherine (Rooney Mara). One day he sees a new product in a shopping center and decides to try it out. It is an intelligent, self-aware and self-learning operating system for all computerized objects it uses. It introduces itself as Samantha and has a female voice and personality. The longer Theodore communicates with Samantha (Scarlett Johansson), the better they get to know each other and the more a genuine love affair develops on both sides.
About the Lecture from (researcher at Mindlabs/ Breda University of Applied Sciences)
Can we fall in love with a machine, a virtual being? If so, why would one fall in love? Can this love be real? Moreover, does it matter if it feels real? And what are the potential consequences? On the 23rd of February, the International Center will show the movie at Cinecitta, preceded by a lecture from Nick van Apeldoorn. In his lecture, he will explore how this movie relates to concepts in philosophy and his work on virtual humans.
Nick van Apeldoorn is a researcher at Breda University of Applied Sciences who manages a joined Digital Reality Lab in collaboration with MindLabs, the University of Tilburg and Fontys. This Lab focuses on the development, implications and ramifications of virtual humans, metaverse applications and digital twins. You might have seen his team's work in the form of MAI (MindLabs Artificial Intelligence| Technical Development.
Films accessible to all
This event is organized by International Center Tilburg in collaboration with Cinecitta. Both parties want to provide cinema for internationals living in Tilburg. Therefore, the entire program will be in English and films will have English subtitles (or will be English spoken). Cinecitta is a local arthouse cinema that also organizes an International Film Festival every year (013CIFF).
Buy your tickets here