The movie

Shorts: Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood (InScience 2021)
It is every scientist’s biggest fear: getting it totally wrong. In these four short films, we see the consequences of wrong conclusions in science, in both serious and comical ways, and how to correct such mistakes.
RECODING ART (2019, Moreschi & Pereira, 14 min)
Many people have trouble understanding modern art. Is artificial intelligence (AI) better off? A group of Brazilian scientists have taught an AI system to interpret art and are now releasing the machine at the Van Abbemuseum, with surprising results.
FOREVER (2020, Mitch McGlocklin, 7 min)
In this gripping animated film, a man calls an insurance company to find out why his insurance policies keep getting refused. His data analysis shows that he poses too great a risk, according to the insurance company’s AI system.
MOOD ATLAS (2020, Mia Mullarkey, 19 min)
His bipolar condition continues to disrupt Shane’s life. When he finds himself in a very deep personal valley, he decides to work with a team of neuroscientists to create a map of his brain. But does this give him the answers to get his life back on track?
HYSTERICAL GIRL (2020, Kate Novack, 13 min)
Of Sigmund Freud’s five major case studies, only one was a woman: Dora. In this combination of fiction and documentary, this ‘hysterical woman’ tells her own story and makes short work of patriarchal dominance in the history of psychiatry.