The movie

When The Light Breaks

Una grapples with grief while harboring a secret, unable to fully express her emotions, as she navigates challenging events swirling around her.

Length: 82 min
Country: Frankrijk, IJsland, Kroatië, Nederland
Language spoken: IJslands
Language subtitles: Nederlands
Cast: Baldur Einarsson, Mikael Kaaber, Elín Hall, Katla Njálsdóttir, Gunnar Hrafn Kristjánsson, Ágúst Wigum
Director: Rúnar Rúnarsson
Release date: 2025-02-13


When light breaks on a long summer’s day, young art student Una awakens filled with love’s warm glow. By sunset, her world is turned upside down. Writer-director Rúnar Rúnarsson’s beautiful and quietly breathtaking elegy of love, loss and acceptance, with its striking 16mm cinematography and exquisite design, amplified by Elín Hall’s captivating performance, captures a precise sense of time, place and mood.