The movie

Living Labour

Living Labour provides a glimpse into the daily lives of Polish, Spanish, Roma, and other labor migrants in the Netherlands.

Length: 105 min
Country: Nederland
Language spoken: diversen
Language subtitles: Engels
Director: Renzo Sgolacchia
Release date: 06/04/2024


Living Labour provides a glimpse into the daily lives of Polish, Spanish, Roma, and other labor migrants in the Netherlands. They live isolated amidst quiet forests, surrounded by an impressive network of highways and gigantic logistic 'boxes.' Their housing is arranged by the employer, further reinforcing their dependent position. What does this mean for the quality of living and life for this vulnerable group? Living Labour prompts reflection on this development and raises the question of how we want to address the housing challenge for labor migrants. Researcher and filmmaker Renzo Sgolacchia will introduce the film.

Renzo Sgolacchia is an architect, filmmaker, and the founder of Cinema Architecture. His research focuses on the relationship between living, labor, and contemporary forms of urbanization. He wrote and directed the documentary Living Labour, which explores the lives of labor migrants in the Netherlands. Renzo has delivered lectures on film and architecture at various institutions and universities.