The movie

Sujo (English subtitles)

After his father is murdered by fellow cartel members, young Sujo is sequestered by his aunt. As he grows into early manhood, cartel temptations vie with the possibility of going straight...

Length: 126 min
Country: Frankrijk, Mexico
Language spoken: Spanish
Language subtitles: English
Director: Astrid Rondero Fernanda Valadez
Release date: 22/10/2024



‘Sujo’ – the name of a freedom-loving stallion – is the curious moniker given to a young lad by his sicario father. When the father is killed as a traitor by his fellow gang members – Sujo is 4 at the time – tradition dictates that all the male members of the victim’s family must also be killed, to prevent revenge murders. But Sujo’s Aunt Nemesia (Yadira Pérez) has other ideas: she sequesters Sujo away in a shack, where his only connection to the outside world are his aunts and his two cousins. Thus begins an odyssey as Sujo grows into early manhood surrounded by cartel temptation and the possibility of going straight...

‘A work of tremendous lyrical potency, even more intricate in meaning and scope than the pair’s earlier stunner [Identifying Features], Sujo thunderously demonstrates why [writer-directors Astrid] Rondero and [Fernanda] Valadez stand among those soon to be regarded as the new masters of Mexican cinema.’ – Carlos Aguilar, IndieWire. Winner of the Grand Jury Prize, World Cinema Dramatic competition, Sundance Film Festival.