The movie

TiAFF Charm City

On the streets of Baltimore, shooting is rampant, the murder rate is approaching an all-time high and the distrust of the police is at a fever pitch.

Length: 107 min
Country: United States
Language spoken: English
Language subtitles: English
Director: Marilyn Ness
Release date: 15/04/2023


On the streets of Baltimore, shooting is rampant, the murder rate is approaching an all-time high and the distrust of the police is at a fever pitch. With nerves frayed and neighborhoods in distress, dedicated community leaders, compassionate law-enforcement officers and a progressive young city councilman try to stem the epidemic of violence. The film shows a story about the fight for public space: the street. Community leaders and citizens make an attempt to bring safety back into society from the street, the place where people talk to each other and take responsibility for each other.