The movie

Tanja – Dagboek van een guerrillera

The staggering story of Tanja Nijmeijer: from idealistic student to member of the infamous FARC – a gripping documentary that exposes the complexity of her choices and the search for identity within an armed struggle.

Length: 86 min
Country: Germany, The Netherlands
Language spoken: Spanish, English, Dutch
Language subtitles: Dutch
Cast: Tanja Nijmeijer
Director: Marcel Mettelsiefen
Release date: 31/08/2023


Tanja, a Dutch graduate, leaves everything behind in the early 2000s when she decides to teach English in Colombia.
After joining the Colombian guerrilla group FARC, she quickly worked her way up to become one of the faces of the organization before Interpol issued an arrest warrant for her. Loved by some, hated by others, she eventually becomes a key figure in the Colombian peace process. Who is this woman anyway?