The movie

TIAFF 2024 Onder het maaiveld

The film \"Onder het Maaiveld\" unveils the unseen. The inspiring film wonders and gives insight into our soil. There are more living things in one teaspoon of healthy soil than there are people on earth.

Length: 83 min
Country: The Netherlands
Language spoken: Dutch
Language subtitles: English
Director: Mark Verkerk
Release date: 06/04/2024


The film \"Onder het Maaiveld\" unveils the unseen. The inspiring film wonders and gives insight into our soil. There are more living things in one teaspoon of healthy soil than there are people on earth. We are about to take the biggest turn in the history of our dealings with nature. We have to but how do we go about it and learn to use our soil more wisely? The film will be shown after a lecture by Boudewijn Tooren.

Boudewijn Tooren is active for the agenda Natuurinclusief of Ministry LNV, Herenboer first hour, and founder of Creabitat. He connects living, working, recreation, food, landscape, and nature to create a regional economy where the intertwining ensures sustainable business cases. Creabitat stands for accessible living in a self-sufficient green living area, within a close community with healthy, locally sourced food and self-generated clean energy