The movie


From the 300 documentaries that participated, 4 prize winnng documentaries has been chosen for Best of Idfa on Tour 2023.
You can book it with or without a lunch.

Length: 380 min
Country: Nederland
Language spoken: Frans, Pools, Engels, Deens,
Language subtitles: Nederlands
Director: Diversen
Release date: 22/01/2022


10.30 PARADISE, dir. Alexander Abaturov, 88 min.
Winner IDFA Award for Best Cinematography in the International Competition.
In 2021, an extreme heatwave gave rise to huge wildfires in the vast subarctic forests of Sakha, a northeastern republic in Siberia. The village of Shologon lies in this taiga landscape, shrouded in orange smoke and black ash. The forest is burning and the flames are approaching fast.


12.45 JOURNEY, dir. Petra and Peter Lataster 113 min.

Working out using bottles as weights, talking to good friends on Zoom and after an hour deciding whether to request a new link. Suddenly noticing those two crows in the garden. Covid shrank the world of documentary-making couple Petra and Peter Lataster, so they pointed the camera at themselves, the nature in the garden, and their neighbors.

15.00 APOLONIA, APOLONIA, dir. Lea Glob, 116 min. French, Poish, English, Danish
Winner IDFA Award for Best Film in the International Competition.
When Danish filmmaker Lea Glob first portrayed Apolonia Sokol in 2009, she appeared to be leading a storybook life. The talented Apolonia was born in an underground theater in Paris and grew up in an artists’ community—the ultimate bohemian existence. In her 20s, she studied at the Beaux-Arts de Paris, one of the most prestigious art academies in Europe. Over the years, Lea Glob kept returning to film the charismatic Apolonia and a special bond developed between the two young women