The movie


A timid dog groomer living in a poor suburb sells cocaine on the side and stays out of trouble, while trying to deal with his unstable, violent acquaintance who is a menace to the whole neighborhood.

Length: 102 min
Country: Italy
Language spoken: Italian
Language subtitles: Dutch
Cast: Marcello Fonte, Alida Baldari Calabria, Nunzia Schiano, Edoardo Pesce
Director: Matteo Garrone
Release date: 06/09/2018


Matteo Garrone returns to the criminal milieu that made his name in Gomorrah with this spellbinding look at sympathetic dog groomer Marcello (Marcello Fonte), whose minor sideline as a cocaine dealer allows him to dote on his daughter and take the occasional vacation. But Marcello’s cocaine dealing has created a monster in the form of coke-addict thug Simone (Edoardo Pesce), who intimidates Marcello into participating in his crimes. One thing leads to another and, inexorably, to greater criminal misdeeds—and tragedy. Tense, tough and thoroughly grounded in its seedy suburban Neapolitan locations, this is Garrone in peak form. He is helped immeasurably by Fonte, whose perfect blend of innocence and supressed violence netted him the Best Actor award at the 2018 Cannes Film Festival.

‘Garrone's terrific portrait of a criminal dogsbody… nitpicks gangster insecurities with hilarious flair… A compelling opera of beta-male criminal martyrdom, inspired by a true case… [this is] a movie with incomparable bite and strength.’—Peter Bradshaw, Guardian