The movie

Holy Air

Adam (Shady Srour), a somber, unsuccesful, Arabic-Christian businessman, who lives in Nazareth with his pregnant wife, decides to bottle sell the 'holy air' of Mount Precipice to tourists.

Length: 81 min
Country: Israel
Language spoken: Arabic, Hebrew, English, French, Italian
Language subtitles: English
Cast: Shady Srour, Laetitia Eido, Shmulik Calderon, Tarik Copti, Dalia Okal, Byan Anteer
Director: Shady Srour
Release date: 17/10/2019


Adam (Shady Srour), a somber, unsuccesful, Arabic-Christian businessman, who lives in Nazareth with his pregnant wife, decides to bottle sell the 'holy air' of Mount Precipice to tourists.