The movie

The End we Start from

As England sinks beneath flood waters, a new mother finds herself fighting on two fronts in Mahalia Belo’s terrific debut feature, adapted from Megan Hunter’s novel. An extraordinary story of motherhood in a world changed beyond recognition.

Length: 104 min
Country: Groot-Brittannië
Language spoken: Engels
Language subtitles: Nederlands
Cast: Jodie Comer, Benedict Cumberbatch, Katherine Waterston, Mark Strong, Joel Fry, Gina McKee
Director: Mahalia Belo
Release date: 23/05/2024


The remarkable Jodie Comer (\"Killing Eve\", THE LAST DUEL) stars, and early on she's pregnant in a bathtub as flash flooding hits the area of London where she lives. The heavy rain blends into childbirth with visual excellence from director Belo, cinematographer Suzie Lavelle, and editor Arttu Salmi. Fortunately, this does not turn into one of those heavy-CGI apocalyptic films, and instead stays grounded, and thanks to Comer's superb talent, becomes a story focused on the strength inspired by motherhood. It's a very human story derived from an environmental catastrophe.


The Guardian
"A magnificent lead performance”