The movie

Vous n’aurez pas ma haine

Antoine lost his wife in the Bataclan bombing in Paris. In a Facebook post, he explains how he resists hate: he opposes that of terrorists to his love for his 3-year-old son. Bereaved, he seems to be losing ground.

Length: 103 min
Country: Belgium, Germany, France
Language spoken: French
Language subtitles: Dutch
Cast: Pierre Deladonchamps, Camélia Jordana, Anne Azoulay
Director: Kilian Riedhof
Release date: 22/12/2022


Antoine lost his wife in the Bataclan bombing in Paris. In a Facebook post, he explains how he resists hate: he opposes that of terrorists to his love for his 3-year-old son. Bereaved, he seems to be losing ground.